Educate. Inspire. Engage.

Improve quality, decrease costs and improve patient satisfaction. CDM TV’s platform is proven to help drive your quality care metrics. Get a personalized set of patient engagement solutions customized to your audiology, dental or vision care center’s specific needs. 

CDM TV's professionally developed, purpose-driven engaging content including an exclusively curated Care Credit playlist is available for clinics who are enrolled Care Credit providers. Make sure your patients know all about the funding options you offer.  In addition, we provide video content created specifically for your clinic. Build the foundation for delighted customers by making an immediate personal connection and demonstrating your commitment to their hearing health care.

CDM TV is patient-oriented content streamed from Clear Digital Media right into your waiting room in real-time via high-speed internet on any screen or television. Turn your waiting room on today with CDM TV and precondition your patients before their hearing exam.  CDM TV helps you stand out!

Take advantage of our Care Credit Special Discount!

CareCredit Sample Playlist

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Join the Hamilton CapTel Hearing Healthcare Program.

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Clear Digital Media. We help turn one-time visitors into lifetime patients.


4909 Bell Springs Rd.
Dripping Springs, TX 78620

tel: 877-999-4483
fax: 888-654-9219

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