Make an Impression.
Control the Narrative.
Improve the Return On All Your Marketing Investments.
CDM TV is a powerful marketing tool that streams custom video content to the TV in your waiting room.
Take advantage of the IHS Members discount! You spent money getting that patient in your chair. That's not a guarantee they are going to buy. Make a powerful impression. Control the narrative. Show your patients why they made the right choice choosing you as their hearing care provider. CDM TV professionally developed, purpose-driven engaging content including an International Hearing Society Member Only Playlist. In addition, we provide video content created specifically for your clinic. Build the foundation for delighted customers by making an immediate personal connection and demonstrating your commitment to their hearing health care.
Research shows that video has the impact of 1.8 million written words. Video is a far more effective tool for inspiring, persuading and educating patients. CDM TV helps you stand out! Take advantage of our IHS Member Discount!
Regular Price: $89.95
IHS Member Price
Have more than one location?
Have more than one TV in your clinic?
Enjoy a discounted price on additional locations.
IHS Discounted subscription price on additional locations = $39.95
No long-term contracts.
60-day cancellation
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