5 Best Practices for a Sucessful Email Marketing Program to Increase Doctor Referrals


The keys to success for a physician referral building program is ensuring that you follow industry best practices. Building and nurturing a physician referral email marketing program with MDEmails™ will increase your referrals and credibility in the medical community.

Review the 5 best practice tips outlined below:

  1. 1.Create a Compelling Pitch for your services
    • What is unique about your services?
    • How is your practice set apart from the competition and what makes you different?
  2. Follow-up is key to continue promoting your services
    • Maintain referral sources with timely and ongoing communications
    • Use targeted direct mail, phone outreach and practice luncheons to introduce your practice and highlight comorbid associations with untreated hearing loss
  3. Personalize as much as possible
    • Take the time to build trust with personalized emails, networking efforts and in-person outreach
    • Make every touchpoint an opportunity to build a business relationship. Don’t be afraid to ask for their partnership in referrals
  4. Prioritize educational sources
    • Emphasize ongoing education and technological advancements in your industry
    • A well-timed flow of relevant educational information will keep your practice in front of referring physicians
  5. Analyze progress with reporting
    • Delve into engagement analytics from your physician outreach to determine the most effective ongoing communication strategy
    • Get physician names to constantly build and refine your target list of physicians

MDEmails™ physician referral campaigns hit the target on email outreach and re-sends. Reach your medical community today and drive referrals to your practice.

For more information on MDEmails™, please visit https://cleardigitalmedia.net/mdemails/

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