Physician Outreach and the MDEmails™ Piece

Your MDEmails™ physician referral campaign ended and you have the direct mail list of engaged practitioners on your desk. Now what? There are many ways to utilize those leads to increase referrals to your audiology practice and to build a business relationship. Dig deeper in the engaged leads by researching their practice groups and locations. It is your professional responsibility.
Choose those clinics that are closest to you— proximity counts when it comes to patient engagement. Follow-up with a solid marketing outreach plan to build any business relationship.
Any solid physician outreach campaign should be based on the fact that your services can improve the physician-patient relationship. Also, it is important to keep in mind that all physicians’ clinical staff contribute directly or indirectly to the patient care outcome.
- Mail a postcard, handwritten note or letter to leads, including specific practice offerings and promotions or drop off sales material to promote face-to-face time with their practice.
- Call each lead and let them know you will follow-up with a direct mail piece or set-up a time to stop by and drop off literature.
- Once you have introduced your audiology practice, build outreach efforts with creative events like free hearing assessments for that medical office or a breakfast meet and greet in a neutral, convenient location. Lunch and learns are effective in educational ways as well as defining your practice’s value.
- Get in touch with local health fairs and partner with other health related fields to get your practice name in front of practitioners.
- Social media strategies are critical to reach potential consumers as well as medical practitioners. Content is king – engaging, informational posts to include Facebook Ads with valuable hearing loss awareness guides and a link to your landing page (to drive website visits.)
Inform and educate your medical community on the importance and understanding of hearing loss and its impact on overall health with direct mail. Introduce your practice with a complementary hearing screening for their office or a breakfast meet and greet. Creating a marketing outreach plan to practitioners is multi-faceted as outlined above.
Let MDEmails™ customized email messages and articles land in your PCP’s inbox – your practice can introduce and inform the medical community. Generate referrals that will grow your practice. Our MDEmails program boasts an average deliverability rate is 98% so your messages are in front of practitioners. Continue your MDEmails™ campaign another 3-12 months with a revised geographic radius or specialty focus to grow your lead base.
For more information on MDEmails™, please visit