The Medical Referral Marketing Process for Audiologists

Marketing may not be the most emphasized topic in audiology programs around the country. Most private practice audiologists would agree, however, that successful marketing is probably the most important factor that will determine whether or not their practice is profitable and successful.
If you are an audiologist trying to market your practice, how can you promote it effectively? How can you succeed, if not thrive, going up against competitors that are spending 10% of their gross revenues on marketing? Even if you are willing to invest that much money, how do you know you are maximizing your return on investment?
Most patients that require the services of a medical specialist are referred by their primary care physician (PCP) or another medical specialist. 73% of patients ask their primary care provider about hearing loss first. Reaching those PCP’s via email on a monthly basis keeps your practice name and services in front of them.
Watch the Vlog on MDEmails – explained by our CEO, Michele Ahlman:
Utilizing the leads that are generated from email outreach is critical. Direct mail efforts, lunch and learn seminars, and timely reporting back to the referring physician are all elements of physician outreach and relationship building.
We have licensed access to over 900,000 physician emails through the American Medical Association (AMA). MDEmails™ is affordable and the perfect complement to any hearing care provider’s existing physician outreach program.
Reach out to your medical community – click here for more details: