A-Z of Hearing News Network

A- Animation – We have a professional design team on staff that develops captivating animated content for your HNN screen. Crisp animations are often easier to read than video footage, but a mix of both types of content are ideal, which is what HNN offers.
B- Bios- Through HNN’s custom designed content, your patients can get to know more about your clinic’s staff. This may spark conversations and facilitate great relationships. Staff bios are a great way to add more custom content to your HNN screen. They provide your patients with familiar faces and increase transparency of your clinic. They are a great way to allow patients to get to know their providers on a more personal level.
C- Custom Content – All of our clients have access to our Content Architect and a design team and work with all clients to create custom content that can be changed at any time to play on your clinic screen.
D- Digital Signage – HNN is a digital signage platform positioned within health care practices, designed to speak directly to your patients. Our networks are the patient oriented content streamed from Clear Digital Media right into your waiting room in real-time via high speed internet on a flat screen television.
E- Educational – The video content that plays on all of our networks is education-based. We have a goal of teaching your patient something new upon every visit.
F- Family-Friendly –Approximately 70% of patients bring other family members into the clinic with them. All of the content that plays on our networks is appropriate for all ages. We develop content that not only engages your customer; it influences the influencer—the family.
G- Graphics – The graphics that are incorporated in all of our video content are designed to be captivating and draw your patients’ attention to that screen and to the educational information.
H- Hearing Health Experts – Clear Digital Media was founded and is led by hearing health care experts. Because of this, we are able to provide educational and relevant content for your patients through HNN.
I- Info-tainment – Among all of our hearing-focused content, we also like to insert what we call info-tainment videos. These are education and entertaining content that is unrelated to hearing care. Through our observations, we know that patients in waiting rooms do not like to be bombarded with health content, so when we throw in a few unrelated pieces, the viewers tend to watch the HNN screen longer and feel better about their whole viewing experience.
J- Joyful – Our team ensure that all of the contact that plays on all of our networks contain uplifting music, positive messages, and entertaining animations. Patients and their families in waiting rooms can be anxious, concerned, and skeptical. We do our best to ease their nerves before they even enter the exam room.
K- Kind – Mentioning your philanthropic efforts in the local community is a great way to connect with your patients. HNN gives you an opportunity to share your clinic’s events and volunteer efforts with your patients in your waiting room.
L- Lifetime Patients – Engaging your patients in your waiting room can be the beginning of a lasting relationship, or it can result in an expensive lead leaving after that first appointment with no intent to return. We create a customized playlist of video content designed to suit the specific demographics of your patients, making an emotional connection and preconditioning them for their appointment. This preconditioning can improve closure rates by 5-7%.
M-Manufacturers- HNN’s manufacturer advertisements inform patients about products and services your clinic offers. This will keep patients educated about the products currently on the market and has the potential to spark conversations with you about which products are best for them. Having customizable television content in your waiting room allows you to only advertise the manufactures and services you offer without having to battle with competitors.
N- News Content – In addition to our health care content, we provide short news segments. We select the most interesting and appropriate news of the day, and we only focus on the uplifting and entertaining news while avoiding violent or depressing topics.
O- Optimizing Patients’ Time – Everyone’s time is important, but your patients’ time in your waiting room is much more valuable than you’ve ever thought. Take advantage of every single minute that you have a captive audience in your waiting room with customizable content that tells your story.
P- Patient Testimonials – Patient testimonials are a great way to add more custom content to your HNN screen. They provide your patients with familiar faces and increase transparency of your clinic. Testimonials are rewarding and motivate staff to continue to provide a quality service. And most importantly, testimonials empower patients.
Q- Questions for Your Provider – Our specially designed content can facilitate conversations between patient and health care provider by prepping the patient before their exam on what to expect while also informing them of the newest technology and clinic services.
R- Returning Patients – Every doctor wants loyal patients that consistently return to their clinic. CDM’s custom content option allows your clinic to advertise all the services you offer, informing patients for future visits.
S- Specials- HNN’s custom content gives your clinic a chance to inform patients about any coupons or specials your clinic is currently offering in hopes of prompting purchases.
T- Technology – By installing a flat screen TV and utilizing the best technology available to deliver your customizable network, you are modernizing your clinic’s waiting room.
U- Undoubtable Improvement to Your Clinic- According to studies, point-of-care marketing has proven to have a positive impact on customer lifetime value. Implementing point of care marketing, such as HNN, results in increased lifetime value of each and every patient. Learn more about how digital marketing can improve your clinic here: http://cleardigitalme.wpengine.com/top-7-ways/
V- Video Content – Digital advertising is an affordable investment, drives more word-of-mouth referrals, and is more effective overall than traditional advertising. And that’s because video is immensely more compelling to us. If your marketing is compelling, the audience automatically associates that your product is also compelling. It’s just good business sense to consider introducing video into your marketing technique. Our HNN network consists solely of videos.
W- Waiting Room – All of our full networks are designed to be displayed in clinic waiting rooms, the place where a patient is prepared for an appointment and is primed to absorbe new information. However we now offer limited video content to play on your social media pages and outreach efforts. Learn more at http://cleardigitalme.wpengine.com/shop/hnn2go/
X- Extensive Library – Our design team has created an extensive library of educational and entertaining videos that ensure your patients will be endlessly entertained during their visit to your clinic.
Y- Year-Round Content – Within our extensive library we have a plethora of year-round seasonal videos that will keep your content fresh and appropriate for every season and holiday.
Z- Zero Effort – Once you have subscribed to one of our networks and provided the design team with your clinic assets, zero effort is required for you to keep your content fresh and up to date.
For more information please visit http://cleardigitalme.wpengine.com/hearing-news-network/ or email us at communication@cleardigitalmedia.net.