As you know, we recently started making Sprint CapTel® Caption Telephone Service content available on your Hearing News Network.
As we continue to grow our relationship with Sprint CapTel®, we would like to send you their popular Audiology Kit which also includes a free caption telephone for you to demo to your patients!

Sprint CapTel®, like all other captioning services in America, is FREE for your patients. Sprint CaptTel® is also the largest, most recognizable, and experienced provider that offers this service.
What else makes Sprint CapTel® unique? You can provide your patients with their choice of a free Sprint CapTel® phone! Sprint even offers landline service-only options for patients who don’t have high speed internet.

Just click on this link — CLICK HERE — for more information on the Sprint CapTel® program. Click on the “Free Kit” image to register for your kit today.
We truly appreciate Sprint’s partnership to grow HNN for our independent practices.