12 Easy Content Ideas For Digital Signage

While CDM TV’s® content is constantly updating and rotating, your custom content may get forgotten. Its highly important to ensure all of your custom content is up to date and accurate. And there is no need to limit yourself to the starter playlist of custom content that came with your player. The options for custom content are endless and each have their perks.
- Of course you can advertise your services and products, but you can also incorporate manufacturer ads to increase sales.
- Meet & Greets. Have staff to highlight? Students to introduce? A group to commend? Let your audience meet and greet who you want them to by including biographies as you see fit.
- Special Offers. If you have coupons, discount codes, specials, free giveaways, all of these can be included on your screen.
- Appreciation. If you need to dote on a staff member, patient, vendor, any and all of the above, create content that sends all the love and appreciation for the world, or at least your audience, to see.
- Clubs and Programs. If your practice offers a battery club, a referral program, or a veteran’s membership, your HNN® screen is the perfect place to share that information with your patients.
- FAQ’s. If you are often asked the same questions, have fun giving the answers through your content for your digital HNN screen. Our design team can help you develop those videos.
- Testimonials. Your loyal patients love your service. You can share their kind words on your waiting room screen through testimonial videos.
- Kids Information. Do you have specific information or directions for children? Perhaps a video or content related to children while they wait. Don’t forget that kids can be influenced by your brand as well.
- Multiple Locations. Do you have other campus locations, or sister locations? Your content can work across the board (literally), or mention your other convenient locations.
- Hours of Operation. It is best that your customers know your operating hours so they can keep returning and they always know if there are special days you may be closed. If you offer any mobile services, this would be great to add too.
- Social Media. Having custom videos that encourage patients to follow your practice on social media is a great way to stay engaged between appointments.
- Upcoming Events. Any events your company is hosting or is sponsoring, share away. Get people excited with promotional videos or social media shares. Or even consider sharing photos from last year’s event to encourage more attendees this year.
Updating content can be daunting. Thankfully, our team is here to help make it easy for you. Simply email us at communications@clweardigitalmedia.net to request any new content today.