Introducing MDEmails!

We are excited to announce that we will be introducing MDEmails as our newest service. MDEmails allows hearing healthcare professionals to connect with their local physician network in and around the community they serve.
MDEmails is an email design and delivery service used to educate the physicians in the hearing care provider’s service area of all the positive results of properly treating hearing loss. Our physicians are always interested in learning more about how to better serve their patients and the community.
“This new email delivery system is a great way to get Hearing Care Provider’s messages delivered directly to local physicians quickly and cost effectively,” says Brad Dodson, Vice President of Sales for Clear Digital Media. “We have access to over 900,000 physician emails through the American Medical Association (AMA). MDEmails is the perfect compliment to any hearing care provider’s existing physician outreach program.”
CLICK HERE to learn more about MDEmails or complete the form below to get started today!