Our Team!

Abigail Tichler – Implementation Development Manager
Abigail Tichler is our Implementation Development Manager and is responsible for onboarding new clients as well as managing our growing content library for all of our waiting room networks. The CDM library has grown to over 2000 pieces of content and takes some amazing orchestration to appear as it does on the screen in your waiting room and on your social media. Abigail has a Bachelor’s Degree in English from St. Ambrose University and a Master’s Degree in English from Western Illinois University.
Abigail is responsible for bringing new content ideas to our library and your playlists making sure our programming continues to be a hit with your patients! She is also writing and managing our social media, blog, and newsletter posts. Additionally, she works with all of our new clients to ensure their CDM TV system is introduced to their practice smoothly and successfully.
When Abigail is not in the office, she enjoys reading books and scouring the thrift stores for treasures. She also loves exploring parks and new restaurants.
You would contact Abigail if you need any changes made to your playlist, have any ideas for new custom content, or if you have any questions or if you want to learn more about the onboarding process for new clients. You can email Abigail about these ideas or questions at Abigail.Tichler@cleardigitalmedia.net.
Alyssa Oglesbee – Video Development Lead
Alyssa Oglesbee is our Lead Designer and Animator. She has a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts Degree in Biomedical Art from the Cleveland Institute of Art. She designs and creates all of the videos for Clear Digital Media.
Alyssa chose to go into medical media specifically because she had a strong interest in both art and science. She admittedly does not have the patience to teach directly but feels that educating people about their health is extremely important. Going into the medical media field made Alyssa feel like she was contributing towards medical education in her own way. She chose to go the digital media route because it is such a powerful educational tool. Alyssa considers herself a visual learner, so she can appreciate the impact that digital media has on education. “The beauty of digital media is its ability to reach such a wide audience and tell a broader story than you can get in a static image,” Alyssa says.
Alyssa’s favorite part about working for CDM is that every day is different. She never has a chance to get bored and never feels like she’s doing the same thing twice. She also really enjoys the work environment. We have a really great group of people in our office!
When Alyssa is not in the office, she likes to read, write, draw, hike, rock climb, and camp. She also really enjoys learning new crafts, so when she is able, Alyssa tries to teach herself how to do new things.
You would contact Alyssa any time you have questions about what materials you can send for a video, if you have an idea for a new video, or if you want updates to an existing video. Alyssa takes the materials our clients send us and creates videos around them, therefore any questions pertaining to the creation of a video falls to her. You can email Alyssa about these ideas at Alyssa.Oglesbee@cleardigitalmedia.net.
James Frazier – Multi-Media Designer
James Frazier is our multimedia designer here at Clear Digital Media. He has a Bachelors Degree in Mass Communication from Illinois State University. James helps to design and create the videos that play on your waiting room screens and on our social media platforms.
James enjoys working for CDM because he knows he is making a positive impacts in thousands of peoples’ lives by providing high quality, educational content. His goal is to be an indispensable resource for CDM and our clients. To that end, he always tries to do whatever is required to create a great client experience.
In five years, James sees himself ensuring that the vast CDM social media network continues to provide important, positive information for our clients. In ten years, he plans to be working with the numerous asset developers of CDM to maintain our high standards and move our brand into new markets.
When not in the office, James enjoys hanging out with his children, working on his 1976 ranch home, playing the bass guitar, and exploring the beautiful Texas landscape. James is also a voice-over talent, you can even hear his voice on many of our HNN and KIC videos playing in your waiting room. For the past 2 years, James has been working on a rock opera in his free time. And when he is looking for a more relaxing activity, James enjoys reading historical books. He is always reading at least three books at any given time.
Nick Strom – Art Director
Nick Strom is our newest Multi-Media Designer. He has an Associates Degree in Graphic/Web Design from Harper College.
Nick is responsible for anything and everything when it comes to graphic design. He gets his hands on our print materials and our website, as well as our email blasts, SmartFencing Ads, and MDEmails. He has also just begun to explore the world of video creation and editing for our Hearing News Network (HNN) screens.
When asked about his favorite part about working for Clear Digital Media, Nick responded, “No day is the same as the one previous. Getting to work on a variety of projects in a variety of formats and getting to work with a nice bunch of folks are huge perks.”
When Nick is not in the office, he likes to cook and do house renovations. He also enjoys woodworking and riding his motorcycle when the weather is nice. Nick enjoys designing posters and t-shirts in his spare time. In the future, Nick hopes to continue his education and receive his B.A. in either web design or video production.
Kim Schultz – Digital Marketing Support Specialist
Kim Schultz is our Digital Marketing Support Specialist for our unique MDEmail physician referral program. This role also includes the deployment of our SmartFencing program, which uses digital ads even in a GeoFenced area. Kim has a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing with a minor in Psychology from Northern Illinois University.
Kim has worn many hats when she started at ClearSounds, which is our amplified phone and bluetooth neckloop division. Processing orders and returns while assisting our customer service department has added valuable bench strength to the company. Kim also is the social media content manager for ClearSounds. She brings a high level of detail, organization, and curiosity to Clear Digital Media.
Completing the Fox Valley Marathon in 2012 was a key achievement for Kim as she elevated her mental toughness and defined a new level of commitment. While not in the office, Kim is attending her children’s softball and baseball games across the U.S. She enjoys time at the gym, a strong cup of coffee and gardening.
You would contact Kim if you have any questions about your MDEmails or SmartFencing order. You can reach her at Kim.Schultz@cleardigitalmedia.net.