Are Patient Surveys Worth It?

Are patient satisfaction surveys are a good idea? If you’re inclined to answer “no,” you might choose from any number of objections. Perhaps you’re not convinced the data is reliable. Perhaps you don’t believe the results justify the costs. All are legitimate concerns, but, these objectives can be overcome.
The truth about patient satisfaction surveys is that they can help you identify ways of improving your practice. Ultimately, that translates into better care and happier patients. If you’re resistant to conducting patient surveys maybe it’s because you’ve had a bad experience with unreliable data or not enough returned surveys to justify the cost. Well PatientPoll™ can help solve all of those concerns. With a tablet-based, customizable survey you give your patients in office, you can guarantee a 100% submission rate. And you can gather an unlimited number of submissions at a fixed rate.
If that’s not enough of a reason to push you nearer to the point of surveying your patients, consider this: Whether you think patient satisfaction surveys are good or bad, the fact of the matter is that the marketplace you work in is demanding that data on patient satisfaction be used to empower consumers. If physicians don’t get on board and try to make the data as good as possible and get their scores as high as possible, they are missing out on opportunities to improve the patient experience and secure returning patients.
To learn more about PatientPoll™ or to get started today, please visit