Inspire and Empower

Digital content in the waiting room provides the platform to inspire and empower your patients. Testimonials and better yet, videos of satisfied patients telling their stories of triumph, success, and excitement are remarkable tools to inspire new patients. We work with each clinic to craft custom content pieces that showcase your apostles, leveraging their passion for your products, and service and literally making them sales people in your waiting room. Psychology teaches us that we as consumers want to be right—we want to believe we made a good purchase decision and will talk ourselves into that belief if buyer’s remorse starts to creep in. HNN® delivers supportive insights that help your customer navigate this exciting new world of hearing better which helps set appropriate expectations for your customer, easing any uncertainty and dramatically improving retention. One of the challenges many clinics face is the retention of professional, long-term front office staff. HNN® can inspire & empower your front office staff by exposing them to even deeper insights on hearing loss as well as providing exposure to new technologies you offer. HNN® inspires your customer to engage and ask questions while empowering your front office staff to respond with professionalism and knowledge.