Mobile Audience Targeting’s Shocking Success

Are you already using digital desktop ads to recruit new patients? According to a new study, you may want to change your tactics.
A recent study conducted by comScore suggests that mobile ads are reaching their intended audiences at a higher rate than desktop ads. Mobile ads, or those ads delivered on cell phones and tablets, are reaching up to 71% of their targeted audience while desktop ads are struggling to reach over 50%.
According to this research, it seems that desktop ads are not achieving their goals because they cannot target their audience as specifically as mobile ads can. Desktop marketing tends to focus on broadly targeted campaigns while mobile ads are reaching narrower audiences.
Services like SmartFencing can get specific with your targeting. We can send your ads to a group a of people based on the targeted demographic’s age, gender, location, behavior, interests, habits, and much more. Digital ads continue to perform better with direct placements than with the programmatic delivery of desktop ads.
In conclusion, if you are using desktop ads as your primary form of online marketing, diversifying may be in your best interest. Our SmartFencing team can help you with everything you need. Please visit:
You can read more about this study and its findings here.