Leverage Location-Based Technology with SmartFencing

There are 2 people in every healthcare decision: the patient and the provider. Both need to be doing their part in order for your practice to gain a new patient. The patient will do her research and use the internet to seek out a healthcare provider, and you need to ensure that your practice is advertising in all the right ways to guarantee you will be found by a prospective new patient.
SmartFencing can help by placing a geofence around the area that your prospective patients frequent. A geofence is a GPS electronic barrier that allows medical practices to send location-specific messages to potential patients’ smartphones once they enter into the defined geographic area. This area can range in size from a single building to an entire city. Smartfecing will send an electronic beam from a satellite. The beam creates an invisible fence around a set location that will have control in determining what ads are delivered. When someone crosses that barrier with a smartphone or tablet, and they open one of over 200,000 applications, we have the ability to send them an ad specifically from your company.
Spending on in-app advertising is expected to reach $17 Billion by 2019. This makes in-app advertising the fastest growing sector of the mobile advertising market. And now, thanks to SmartFencing, you have the opportunity to utilize this marketing strategy for your own practice. Learn more: http://info.clearsounds.com/CDM_Smart